
Professional Experience:

Operations Geologist at Chevron – Feb 2019 to Present
    Responsibilities Include: Frac hit Management, lease management, up-hole recompletion assessments, waterflood management and optimization, subsurface integrity reviews, reservoir characterization of unconventionals and conventionals.
    Key Skills: data management, data science, python, 3D seismic interpretation, well log analysis, sedimentology, structural geology, petrophysics, and kinematic modeling.

Geoscience Intern at Pioneer Natural Resources – May 2018 to Aug 2018
    Project: Mapped numerous regional and sub-regional structures within the Midland basin in 3D seismic. The project focused on determining how and to what degree does the spatial/temporal relationship of the intra-basinal faults and fault systems effect the deposition of producing stratigraphic units. Incorporated numerous datasets for this project: 3D seismic reflection lines and volumes, well logs, horizons, and grids.
    Created: Isopach maps, lithology maps, structure maps with resultant projected fault traces, for 13 stratigraphic units, and a kinematic analysis of a major fault system.
    Key Skills: Paradigm, Kingdom, mapping, 3D seismic interpretation


M.S. Geology from New Mexico Tech – 2016-2019 – 3.8 GPA
Thesis: Fault microstructures and their relationship to the fault rate of slip, in Southern CA

B.S. Geosciences from Texas Tech University – 2012-2015 – 3.5GPA
Thesis: A Kinematic Analysis of the Arbuckle Anticline, in Southern OK

Graduated from The Woodlands College Park High School – 2008-2012